Friday, March 28, 2025

1991 – 2008

1991 – 1992 We started our year off with the usual salad toss luncheon. This was followed by our convention at Vail, Colorado, which was hosted by the Rocky Mountain Bs. High caliber programs followed throughout the year. Attendance was good and we enjoyed the “friendly luncheons” at various restaurants. The membership requested more fun and less work and that’s what we attempted. Our Christmas party was a huge success at The Northwood Club. More people attended than ever before. Much fun! Great Spring luncheon at the University Club where we gave $2,000 to our charity, the Jeanne Braniff Terrell Scholarship Fund. We also gave a new washing machine to the East Dallas Community School, as well as gifts of toys to needy children at Christmas. Our membership peaked at 259.

1992 – 1993 Membership keeps growing. 323 people paid dues this year. We had a successful year with interesting programs. We toured the Meyerson Symphony Center, had a book review, good speakers and our “friendly luncheons”. The holiday Sherry party and Spring luncheon had more people in attendance than ever. Good fun and good company. We had wonderful officers and people working together. The fact that we all
at one time flew for Braniff is our common bond, and that is what keeps our club
strong. Our charity money was given to Toys for Children at Christmas and to The Texas Language Speech and Hearing Foundation in the name of the Braniff Clipped Bs. We have given enough money to be considered “sponsors” of the foundation. Senator and former Judge, Oscar Mauzy, represented the foundation at our Spring luncheon.

1993 – 1994 With 336 members, the board had a lot of support for all of the planned activities. We started out with the annual salad toss and looked forward to the convention in San Antonio. We were entertained in grand style in the Alamo City. From the Fall on, our members began looking forward to the next convention which we would host!. Brainstorming for convention planning continued throughout the year at the meetings, parties. Our Spring luncheon was attended by the Carnival reps, where we all realized we would really be “rocking the boat” in 1995! Ann Mauzy was happy to accept our donation in memory of Ann Ruff at the Bent Tree luncheon, which put us at the half-way mark to have a fully endowed scholarship fund administered by the Texas Speech Hearing Language Foundation. Braniff Clipped Bs will be awarding a scholarship every year to a graduate student attending the University of Texas-Dallas.

1994 – 1995 September started off with our Salad toss at Bev Fleming’s beautiful home in Flower Mound! The coming cruise convention was always the major topic at our meetings and socials. It was the high light of the year! We returned to the end of the runway at Love Field for lunch on the lake at Pierre’s in October. The holiday season was highlighted by a delicious dinner dance at Embassy Suites which was another return to Love Field. For our April meeting, we boarded a party bus and were conducted by Busy Bee Tours on a field trip to tour the new Ballpark in Arlington. We really enjoyed all the normally off-limit areas and had the opportunity to sit in the dug-out and stand on the warning track. A wonderful, hardworking board came up with some great events. Our membership topped out at 343, thanks to the members recruiting and the extraordinary efforts of Mary Moffett who is passing the job of Membership/Yearbook to Sally Roberts. We donated $2,000 to our charity – the Clipped Bs Endowment Fund.

1995 – 1996 Another great year added to our string of wonderful years, commencing with the annual salad toss at the home of our outgoing president, Ramona Martin. The main buzz that day and for the coming year was the health reverses suffered by one of our past presidents, Connie Biggar. October saw us at Liz Wahlquist’s home for a talk by our own Sally Roberts and her husband, Dick, on the Elder Hostel program. November found us learning calligraphy from the renowned Ken Brown, with a door prize for everyone! December was the annual Sherry party in the evening so that we could see so many of our full-time employed Bs. Also, a fabulous dance, with a big band, helped to celebrate the holiday season. We all turned into porcelain artists with a demonstration at the Purple
Glaze in February. A friendly lunch was held at Mattitos in March. We all boarded the
Busy Bee Tour bus in April to go to the Wilson Historic District of Dallas, topped off with a shopping excursion at the Farmers Market. The annual spring luncheon was at Brookhaven Country Club. This always seems to be one of the highlights of the year as we gather to remember the former “glory days”, which somehow get better every year. Membership this year reached 337. We gave our traditional $2,000 to our charity scholarship fund, The Texas Language Speech and Hearing Foundation, on behalf of the Braniff Clipped Bs. Also, the annual Christmas Toys for Tots was the recipient of many wonderful toys for the underprivileged children of Dallas.

1996 – 1997 Our membership in the DAL chapter soared to over 387 members, thanks to Mary Moffett’s detective work – you can run from her but you can’t hide!! Our salad toss in September was well attended at the home of Terry Daniel. October saw us on a bus enroute to the C.R. Smith Museum at the American Airlines Training Center. We loved seeing the DC-3 parked in front of the museum and finding some old BN memorabilia brightened our day. November brought Iris Newman to speak at Linda Shewmaker’s on the “Challenge of Second Adulthood” with which we could all identify. Adrian Ricks once again opened her home for the Sherry party and we collected a lot of toys for the Marines toy drive…what fun to see the three Pucci uniforms displayed…were we ever THAT thin??
Members from all chapters pitched in to contribute to the success of the May 2-4, 1997 golden gala celebration in honor of 50 years of the Clipped B organization. A festive luncheon on May 2 at Bent Tree Country Club was chaired by Betty Rosenberg; a wine and cheese party that evening, chaired by Adrian Ricks and Julie Redmond, unveiled our colleciton of BN/BI uniforms. The setting was at Love Field Frontiers of Flight Museum which brought back a lot of memories. Our two hospitality suites at the Lincoln Center Doubletree Hotel were gaily decorated with memorabilia, great food and the chatter was non-stop! The celebration’s grand finale was the elegant dinner at the hotel with beautiful decorations, door prizes and a memorable skit directed by Aggie Clarke. These fifty years have flown by and we treasure our BN/BI memories and friendships. Co-chairmen Dolores Olson and Helen Adair give heartfelt thanks to all who helped make the celebration such a memorable affair.

1997 – 1998 The year began with our annual salad toss at the home of Aggie Clarke. Also in September there was a reception at the Hall of State in Fair Park honoring the Braniff uniform collection. This display was available during the State Fair and these uniforms and other memorabilia was on display. Bs served as volunteers. In October the Bs buzzed to Teddi Weil’s hive to hear Knox Bishop, curator of the Frontiers of Flight Museum tell us of the plans for the future. In November we lunched at the Bistro and had lunch at Esparza in February. The sherry party was held at the home of Adrian Ricks. Highlight of the year was the March guest, Captain Al Haynes of UAL who told us about his flight that crash landed at Sioux City on July 19, 1989. BISE was invited to this meeting. Our charity money of $2,150.00 was given to the Texas Language Speech and Hearing Foundation in the name of the Braniff Clipped Bs. Adrian Ricks hosted a garage sale in May and approximately $2,000.00 was made, which goes in our museum fund. The spring luncheon was at the Dallas Country Club and hosted by Terry Daniel. Our membership hit an all-time high – 456!!

1998 – 1999 With 451 members, we enjoyed a year of camaraderie and memorable times! Highlights include an entertaining trip to Fredericksburg, with tour, wine tasting and lunch at Oberhelman’s Vineyard, a German dinner with surprise program at the Pioneer Museum and visits to an herb and a wildflower farm. Author Irene Pence was our speaker at Brooksie Agnich’ home and Steve Blow, Dallas Morning News columnist was our program at Dona Martinez. The holiday sherry party, at Teresa Kinkaid’s brought out LOTS of members toting goodies and Toys for Tots. A lunch-out meeting and tour of the Mary Kay Museum was a big treat, as was a spring tour of the Arboretum and lunch out. A MAJOR “added attraction”: we were invited to a tour and dessert coffee at the Governor’s Mansion in Austin! This was preceded by a luncheon (and many doorprizes) at the Four Season’s Grill, where we were joined by members from Houston and the Hill country, also laden with prizes. At our spring luncheon at Bent Tree Country Club, we presented our scholarship check of $2,255.00 to the Texas Speech and Hearing Foundation, who had earlier honored the Clipped Bees at their awards banquet. It was a wonderful year of member-officer participation and friendships.

1999 – 2000 Our year began with our traditional “salad toss” at the beautiful home of Martha Baker with a great turnout. November took us on a cultural outing to Ft. Worth’s Bass Hall and the Kimball Art Museum where we had lunch. Virginia Alexander opened her lovely home for the Christmas party. Lots of toys for the “Toys for Tots” drive were brought and two Marines enjoyed meeting the donors. In the new millennium we gathered in Addison for a smorgasbord of Clipped Bs talents. Those who showed their handicrafts etc. donated door prizes. In March at the elegant home of Mary G. Harris in Rockwall, we were entertained by our own Nella Phillips book review of “Out to Pasture” (“but not over the hill”!). Concluding our year in May with a membership of 458, we gathered at Bent Tree Country Club for a grand finale luncheon. We presented our donation once again to the Texas Speech Language and Hearing Foundation.

2000 – 2001 Our infamous salad toss began another terrific year in Terry Daniel’s beautiful home, catching up with “ole” friends and welcoming new members. October gathered us at Love Field with a tour of the new Legend Airlines beautiful terminal and aircraft in flite by our own Julie Redmond and other familiar faces. Our November meeting at Tenaya Restaurant served some great food and some very interesting “food for thought” presented in a program by our own Donna Matus, Certified Master of Neuro=Linguistic Programming. Mid-month pilot Tommy Hill invited the Bs for drinks and conversation at the Addison Point. Martha Baker graciously

2000 – 2001 (continued)
opened her home for our holiday Sherry Party, a great turn out and the toys for the U.S. Marines Toy drive reached an all time high under the Christmas tree. A fascinating tour through the new Women’s Museum at Fair Park in February left us admiring the many successes of women throughout history. The Bs buzzed to the elegant home of Liz Walquist for our business meeting followed by a beautiful luncheon served by our prize Hospitality chairperson, Barbi Conn, in her final “swan song”. Springtime took a bunch of Bs to Waxahachie where we were welcomed by Bunkie and Dolly Westbrook and served a fabulous lunch and tour. Honoring our Past Presidents at the Hackberry Creek Country Club, a delightful luncheon brought a close to another wonderful year with friendships renewed and cherished. Membership this year was 447 members.

2001 – 2002 The Bs started the year with our first board meeting on September 6th, 2001. Then 9/11 happened. This date is to be considered a changing moment in our lives that we will never forget, however, we must go forward. The traditional “salad toss” in October and the Sherry holiday party in December was graciously hosted by Pam Vodvarka. We had such a wonderful time at her lovely home that we didn’t want to leave. We thank her and her family for their generosity. When the Marines arrived at the Sherry party to collect the toys for tots, we agreed on how handsome they looked in their uniforms. Diane Laffoon did well in finding people and places for our programs. In March 2002, your board and nominating committee worked diligently for the ongoing plans of the 2002-2003 year. (Take time to thank them). 2003 REUNION…Judy Giles is the chairperson and she has assured us we will have a memorable time. In April, Bunkie and Dolly Westbrook of Waxahachie once again sweetly welcomed the Bs. The May Spring luncheon and fashion show at Las Colinas Country Club was absolutely perfect! The beautiful clothes from Canal Clothing Boutique were modeled by some of our very own Bs. They looked elegant and so fashionable. Elizabeth Bentley undertook this task and we appreciate all her superb organizational skills. Our membership this year peaked at 419. Let’s work together and find more to join us. We have great plans for the Bs: a forthcoming reunion, a museum, increasing the membership, and many joyful gatherings. We need to continue to have fun and to create new sweet memories, so stay involved and connected to the Bs. Love, Health, Peace and Happiness to us all.

2002 – 2003 The Bs traditional salad toss was in October at the beautiful home of Cindy Lipitz. We had outstanding attendance in the elegant setting. The December Sherry party was held at the Marlin Day Spa, which is co-owned by our Linda Haddock. She displayed several Braniff uniforms, which added a touch of nostalgia. . . Pucci designs are back in vogue! The March business meeting was held at the Dallas Craft Guild where several artisans gave presentations on their specialities. Our May luncheon, coordinated by Dianne Laffoon, was held at the Glen Eagles Country Club in Plano. The entryway was reminiscent of the Kensington Hotel in LON. Everything was wonderful and OH! Those desserts!!. The topics at the luncheon were our website, thanks to Susie Robertson; the Flight Museum, thanks to Adrian Ricks; Travel cards, thanks to John McFarlane; and our upcoming October reunion, thanks to Judy Giles. Great stuff!! Great fun ahead! Our membership closed at 419 members. Please take time to thank all present and past Board members who have worked so hard to keep us going. Cherish the memories. Love & peace.

2003 – 2004 Our year began in October with the wonderful reunion at the beautiful Adams Mark Hotel in downtown Dallas. The attendance was over 300 Bs and resulted in about 100 new members. The Sherry party was hosted by Lynn Erickson in her lovely Plano home. The Board hosted the March annual business meeting at Country Place in Carrollton. Our May luncheon at the Glen Eagles Country Club was well attended and everyone was thrilled to get a Clipped Bs T-shirt as a door favor. Barbie Conn’s table decorations were also a hit. Our membership for the year closed at 621 – an all time high!

2004 – 2005 Our year started with a “Lights!! Camera!! Action!!” Salad Toss at the home of Terry Daniel. We were visited by a British TV Crew who were making a documentary on the history of flight attendants. Several Bs wore their Pucci uniforms and many members were interviewed by the producers. Our annual Xmas party was held at the art-filled home of Beth Hickman where loads of toys were collected for the Marines Toy for Tots drive. Our May luncheon was filled with members decked out in red, white and blue in honor of the Wounded Soldiers program, created by DAL B Teresa Goforth Kincaid. A raffle brought in over a thousand dollars for her program. The club also made a donation to Dona Martinez and Liz Wahlquist to be used for a plaque at the Braniff Chapel in Terminal B at DFW. Our website continues to grow, thanks to Bud Reed and Susie Robertson, and now has numerous class photos complete with names. Our membership closed at 571 members.

2005 – 2006 Started the year with a wonderful Salad Toss at the home of Sharon Graham. Bunky Westbrook and Betty Brindley brought 4 of their gorgeous angels for auction. All 4 sold and raised money for the bus trip to Waxahachie in April. Next was the sherry Party at the lovely home of Aggie Clark. She went all out for the event and turnout was great. We raised a huge amount of toys for the Marines Toys for Tots drive. The March business meeting was held at the home of Amber Laws for election of new officers. The dedication of the Braniff Chapel at Terminal B (OUR terminal) was on March 3, 1006. Thanks to the exhausting work of Liz Walquist and Dona Martinez the chapel was finally realized. Over 200 DFW executives, Chaplains, and former BI employees and friends were in attendance. The silver stars with the names of major donors were a big hit. Please stop in and see it as it serves over 162,000 passengers and 50,000 employees daily. A delayed garage sale was held in March. Our proceeds were disappointing, but we had lots of fun. April was our annual bus trek to the wonderful luncheon in Waxahachie hosted by Bunky and Betty. As always the food was delicious, the visiting noisy! May 5 (Cinco de Mayo) brought our annual Spring Luncheon at beautiful Bent Tree Country Club with a Latin theme. What fun! Marcella, once again, reigned as champion organizer! Door prizes and certificates were given to the hard working and dedicated B’s who slaved at the garage sale. We donated over $3,400.00 to Frontiers of Flight Museum for our BI exhibit. We had 723 members at the fiscal year’s end, 650 or so in the Dallas base. Susie and Bud have simplified the database so now their time consuming work is less! Keep up the good work, you two!

2006 – 2007 The year started off with our trip to Fort Worth and the Salad Toss. It was hosted by Linda Austin at her beautiful new lakeside home. Over 40 Bs enjoyed the fabulous weather and yummy eats and were even “saluted” by the jets from nearby Carswell AFB! Next came our annual Sherry Party at Sharon Graham’s delightful home. Once again the Bs outdid themselves in gathering items for the TOYS FOR TOTS drive. While we are still missing the handsome Marines, who usually picked up the toys, we were able to donate 14 huge hefty bags overflowing with gifts to the Marine Recruiting Center in Arlington. There was a rousing reception complete with picture taking and thanks for our efforts. In February, nearly 70 Clipped Bs packed up and headed to Galveston for a 4 day cruise to Cozumel sponsored by the Houston Chapter. A BIG THANK YOU to Sylvia Hanna, Leslie Roque and Nancy Toy for working so hard to get this done and to Sarah Welch-travel/cruise agent extraordinaire!!! Our special Braniff exhibit at the Frontiers of Flight Museum is now on its way to completion due to meeting a $30,000.00 challenge to match from former Braniff Captain Orville Rogers and wife, Esther. Challenge letters were mailed in March and by the end of April the funds were rolling in. Lastly, our Spring Luncheon was a huge success due to the special efforts of Marcella Gleason, our VP super star. The theme was “Fat Albert Goes to Hawaii” and the room looked like a luau!! Over 95 Bs and guests attended and 3 new members joined. Our donation to the Museum was over $3,500.00. Membership closed at 644.

2007 – 2008 Our new year began with the annual Salad Toss at the Frontiers of Flight Museum. The Clipped Bs Silver Service, a gift from Braniff, was donated to the Museum. Once again the Hospitality Committee headed up by Mary Mark Welch did a fabulous job. Marianne Gwinn hosted the Sherry Party. The party was a roaring success! Fourteen or fifteen bags of toys were collected for the Toys for Tots drive. New officers were elected at our March meeting and once again, Judy Giles stepped up to the plate to lead our group. Barbara DeMoulin was recognized for her outstanding publishing skills for our Buzz Notes. She passed the baton to Paula Metcalf. The Spring Luncheon was at Brookhaven CC and the theme was “Puttin’ on the Ritz”. Marie Soloman wowed us with her clever table decorations of top hats, champagne bottles and white satin gloves. The membership closed with 644 members.